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President's Words

It is my honour and pleasure to serve as the President of M.S.S. Alumnae Association for the term of 2022 - 2024, our goal is to preserve an enduring relationship among alumnae of MPS and MSS.

Working together with the MSSAA executive committee members, we give life to the mission of MSSAA by strengthening connections with alumnae not only in Hong Kong, but also with alumnae worldwide, deepening their engagement to our beloved Alma Mater. As your alumnae representatives, we are continuously seeking ways to embrace your needs, and we urge you to become an active alumna, so we can unite our efforts and there are countless ways that you can get involved in the MSSAA activities for building up connections and friendship.

I would like to show my deepest gratitude to our Executive Committee and other alumnae for their devoted support to MSSAA, and special thanks go to our Supervisor, Principals of MSS and MPS, and our Advisors for their continuous guidance.

Barbara Chan
President of M.S.S. Alumnae Association

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